#myLTVstory: Tom and Karla Talleur
We're travel content creators and need flexible, easy-to-use modes of travel for our work. Our LTV is the solution to our North American travel demands. But...Read More
We're travel content creators and need flexible, easy-to-use modes of travel for our work. Our LTV is the solution to our North American travel demands. But...Read More
I am a Canadian by birth, who also happens to have American citizenship, thanks to the decades I lived in the U.S. This mix of perspectives...Read More
We took road trips over the years and spent many vacations renting beach houses. But when we decided to take a sabbatical to plan our "second...Read More
Terry was reassigned to Edgewood Arsenal in Maryland soon after, so we loaded up the RV and drove our first cross-country trip. At the time, we...Read More
"By 2002, much to Susan's relief, I sold the race car and trailer but kept the diesel pusher. RVing was now in our bloodstream. In our...Read More
When it comes to our style of RVing, we love to mix it up. Boondocking at a Harvest Host or BLM land is one of our...Read More
John and I were both working very high-stress corporate roles and it was the same thing every day. We couldn’t imagine the foreseeable future becoming this...Read More
When I had graduated from university, I backpacked around Europe for four months. When Sharon graduated, she did the same for two months. After working for...Read More
"There have been no regrets since getting our RV. We love the LTV as well as our floorplan and options with the Unity FX model. We...Read More
Every member of the LTV community has their own unique story of how RVing has enriched, broadened, or sometimes even changed their life, and we’d love to hear yours. Share a bit of your story for a chance to have it featured in our #MyLTVStory campaign.