
The Western Sunsetters

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Club Overview

The Western Sunsetters Chapter of the LTV Traveler’s Club covers the four western provinces of Canada; British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. We currently have 500+ members in our club. Our chapter hosts rallies in all four western provinces and we currently try to organize two or three rallies a year. Our rallies are very informal and are usually 3 days in mid-week. Participants occupy their time by visiting, playing games, golfing, bike riding, sightseeing, shopping, hiking, etc.) Evenings are the time for a communal meal such as pot lucks, BBQs, pizza nights, etc.. Of course each evening ends with a bonfire and a lot of fellowship. Our rallies also offer an opportunity to learn about each other’s LTV, and share some useful hints on the care and use of them, and of course learn about great places to travel to. To keep our members informed, we use this website and direct e-mailings to our members. To register with our chapter go to MyLTV.


Club Leader

Norm & Hazel Lavoy, Bruce Shippelt


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