September 7–10, 2022, was the week many Leisure Travel Vans owners have been anticipating for three years—the annual LTV Fall Rally at Winkler Bible Camp. Didn’t get a chance to attend? Be sure to stay tuned for the 2023 waitlist announcement. Until then, enjoy a recap of each day of the Rally.
Day 1 – Wednesday
The day the Rally rolls around is the day the fun begins. Attendees began arriving in the afternoon and as the excitement built to be there, so did the anticipation as to what the days would be filled with.
After a delicious dinner of pulled pork and french fries made by The Bunker in Winkler, Manitoba, guests were invited into the chapel for the opening ceremonies. MC Phillip Vallelly spoke about the passion behind “Making Monday’s Matter” and why Triple E’s People and Culture Team make that their duty.
Finally, the General Manager of Triple E—Ryan Elias, took the stage and welcomed guests to Manitoba as well as shared a few stories on why you should always keep the cap on your macerator pump.
After the opening ceremonies concluded, attendees were invited to the beach to mingle and enjoy ice cream from a local restaurant—Charley B’s. After a busy day of meeting new friends and meeting LTV staff, it was time to say goodnight and prepare for another busy day tomorrow.
Day 2 – Thursday
8:00 am rolled around quite quickly after spending much time mingling and eating ice cream around the fire the night before. Winkler Bible Camp staff cooked a tasty breakfast of eggs, croissants, and hashbrowns. The flaky croissants melted in everyone’s mouths, and coffee flowed well. After some morning announcements, Rally guests had to decide to go on an LTV factory tour, listen to the LTV technical seminar, and later have another choice of a Mercedes or Ford seminar. The decision-making is never easy, but guests quickly decided, and the bus rolled off for the first factory tour, and the other seminars began.
Later in the day, it was time for the tradition of the group photo and a pizza lunch from a local deli called Spenst Brothers. Meals were always a good time to get to know the LTV staff and spend time in good company with other Rally guests to share stories or even learn information about their Leisure Travel Van.
After our stomachs were filled with pizza, it was time for another factory tour, LTV technical seminar, Mercedes seminar, and a chance to hear from Truma later on in the afternoon as well.
After everyone was back from their afternoon excursions, owners could open their doors for LTV Open Spaces. This is a chance to tour other owners around your coach to show off any modifications or other parts you have proudly done up in the best ways!
Another highlight of the day was the pop-up shop where attendees could purchase Rally merch or other LTV merchandise.
Dinner came later, which was Mennonite food! Some staff of LTV enjoyed going around and explaining exactly what our guests were eating. It sure is not often you get a lesson on how to make schmaunt faut (cream gravy or directly translated to cream fat). Leaving with full stomachs once again and happy hearts, guests spent the rest of the evening on the zip line and taking part in archery. Later on, came mingling around the fire pits again and enjoying s’mores.
Day 3 – Friday
It was hard to believe at this point that this was our last full day together. Excitement built quite early that day as LTV staff began cooking waffles for breakfast early in the morning.
This waffle breakfast is a tradition, and it’s quite the view to watch. You have the Pam sprayers, the waffle mix dumpers, and those making the waffles. While this certainly is no easy task, the end result is amazing.

The Waffle Making Crew
Rally-goers were sent inside to finally have the ability to enjoy the tasty waffle breakfast set before them with toppings such as strawberries, peaches, whipped cream, and even another cream sauce, but this one was sweet and meant for waffles.
As the morning continued on, another LTV factory tour group set off in the bus, and others stayed behind to tour the barnyard of the camp and enjoy a coffee tasting class with local coffee roasters, Other Brother.
The afternoon came up quickly during all the fun and a lunch of sandwiches and soup from a local sandwich restaurant called King’s Deli. More conversations with new friends and staff continued, and the reality of the Rally being over slowly began to set in.
After lunch, the final factory tour left and those interested in attending a Dead Horse Cidery tour lined up, excited to taste some of this delicious, locally made hard apple cider.
Also, during this time, local chef—Ryan Wiebe facilitated a cooking demo. He cooked up a buttermilk ranch and raw corn salad, and those attending the Rally got to take home the recipe card and even the spices he used in the recipes.
Later on, the LTV pop-up shop opened for one final time, and those who were eager to make a purchase bought their merchandise and made their way to the final dinner together. The final dinner consisted of chicken and steak kebabs from Spenst Brothers.
After dinner, those interested could enjoy freshly brewed coffee from Other Brothers and then make their way over to the chapel for entertainment from Those Guys. When the entertainment had concluded, there was one final time to enjoy a bonfire together. This was also the time to bid farewell to most LTV staff as their time with Rally goers was coming to an end.
Day 4 – Saturday
This was the last day and the one no one wanted to come so quickly. Breakfast was served, and a few LTV staff attended to say goodbye. By 12:00 pm, all LTVs and their owners were gone and what was left was an empty camp and full hearts.
Thank you to every single Leisure Travel Van owner who attended the Rally. After three years without a Rally, you have filled our hearts with joy and excitement for what the next years will bring!
Please enjoy this video recapping our week together